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Types of Web Hosting You Can Benefit From

Published By Nilesh Kumar
Debasish Pramanik
Approved By Debasish Pramanik
Published On January 24th, 2024
Reading Time 5 Minutes Reading
Category Email Tips

If you are starting a business or you have some plan of having a blog then you need to set up a website. There are different kinds of web hosting services available and you have to choose one according to your need and preference. Each of the websites has its own unique needs as every website is unique. For helping you figure out the appropriate web hosting for your business, we are going to give you some good ideas about the different plans that are available with web hosting.

Types of Web Hosting

Today, there are many types of hosting that are available to meet your needs;

  1. Shared Web Hosting
  2. Cloud-based Hosting
  3. Virtual Private Server
  4. Dedicated Web Server
  5. Colocation Web Hosting
  6. WordPress Hosting
  7. Bare Metal Server Hosting
  8. Reseller Web Hosting

However, in this article, we are going to explore the 6 different and most common types of Web hosting, so that you can choose freely according to your preferred hosting requirements. they include:

  • Shared Web Hosting: The most cost-effective and simplest web hosting plan is shared hosting. In this plan, there is a single website that shares the resources of the server with all of the websites that are on that particular server. The resources get split, so the cost of it gets divided up into parts which makes it much more affordable. This hosting plan is the best choice for you and your business if you are starting something new because it saves a lot of your money. The drawback is that your control is limited. Since the server is significantly managed by the hosting company and shared among many clients, you do not have the freedom to fix some settings, as you would with your own server.
  • Cloud-based Hosting: The popularity of cloud hosting has increased a lot lately, though it is not really old technology. Cloud hosting is nothing but a cloud-based hybridized version of VPS. But is much more cost-effective than it as it is completely cloud-based. The cloud hosting plans distribute the complete hosting responsibility with multiple remote servers available. With this type of hosting you can get a really high uptime as well. There are a few cloud hosting mistakes that you need to avoid while getting it.
  • WordPress HostingAs we already know WordPress is one of the biggest and most popular blog forums around the world. It has already been adopted by most of the leading businesses as well. With WordPress hosting, you get to optimize WordPress as your single content management system. The functionality of WordPress hosting is quite similar to shared hosting. The only thing that makes them different is that the application of WordPress needs to be pre-installed on the server.
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS) HostingThe websites that have a lot of traffic should go with virtual private server hosting as it is probably the best option that you can get. With this hosting, you will not be able to use shared hosting. The hosting plan of VPS will give the website a virtual private server which is filled with all the resources needed for a server. The main server of VPS is divided into numerous virtual parts.
  • Dedicated Web Server HostingFor the large businesses, the ones that expect a lot of traffic regularly there is the need for dedicated hosting. You can understand it from the name of the hosting that will give you a server that will solely be for your website only.  All of the resources of that server will be accessible to you only. The access control can easily be defined in the server settings with your permission.
  • Bare Metal Server Hosting: A bare metal server is an evolution of a dedicated server. It is used for handling high loads while ensuring a speedy performance. In this hosting, there is no virtualization layer, and you have root access to your server.
  • Reseller Web Hosting: The reseller hosting services are actually a mediator service, in this, there is a purchase from the hosting business. A dedicated server is bought from a hosting business. Small businesses and clients get a dedicated server for a VPS framework or shared hosting. This is a good deal for businesses that are generally familiar with web hosting technology. The hosting plan is very powerful and sustainable.

If you’re looking for web hosting, consider us – a Tier-III data centre with some of India’s best hosting services. It offers fully customised hosting servers that are up to date. You can even select from a number of pre-made plans.

To contact, either ring us here: 0120-4578842, or talk to our experts:

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These are the various types of web hosting services that you find in the market. The one that suits your needs should be opted, and used for maximizing the productivity of your business. There is a need for analyzing and thinking about the different needs of your business and then going for a suitable type that would grow your business.


By Nilesh Kumar

As a Chief Technical Writer, I know the technical issues faced by home and professional users. So, I decided to share all my knowledge via this blog. I love to help you with challenges while dealing with technical jargon.