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Why Use VPS Hosting & Its Advantages?

Published By Nilesh Kumar
Debasish Pramanik
Approved By Debasish Pramanik
Published On January 24th, 2024
Reading Time 5 Minutes Reading
Category Hosting

What is VPS?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Server. It is also known as Virtual Server in short. Hosting service providers rent and sell virtual machine as a service. VPS involves dividing a physical server into multiple virtual machines for separate tenants.

What is VPS hosting?

VPS hosting (or Virtual Private Server hosting) is the hosting solution that provides virtual machine with isolated resources for individual users.

Unlike shared hosting, where one server shares resources among multiple running sites, VPS hosting allows each virtual machine to be treated as a separate server machine with resources and OS dedicated to a single tenant.

It uses virtualization technology to separate the physical server into multiple virtual servers and isolate the resources in each virtual server. It makes a stable hosting environment free from the “noisy neighbor effect”.

Why Use VPS Hosting?

VPS is perfect because it takes away the problems of shared hosting and includes the benefits of dedicated server. It is a hybrid beautifully incorporated together to provide specialized hosting services.

It suits sites that require an upgrade to handle more traffic and employ better performance but are unable to afford bare metal server or dedicated server.

Overall, it allows businesses to enjoy the flexibility of the cloud along with the freedom of private hosting – all at an affordable range.

If you are looking for cheap VPS hosting in India without compromising the service standard, then consider seeking our experts at NetForChoice. With Tier-III and Tier-IV data center environments, you will get the best possible VPS hosting solution.

To contact, either ring us here: 0120-4578842, or talk to our experts:

Talk To Our Experts

What are the advantages of VPS hosting?

Dedicated Resources

A VPS server is fully dedicated to you. It is not shared between several users which allows your site to handle more traffic and perform better in peak time. Plus, you don’t need to spend a high amount. So, it’s an ideal situation.

advantages of vps hosting

Better performance

In a typical hosting environment, numerous users use the same server and same set of resources. It may not seem a big deal, but if a site suddenly experiences a traffic hike, it slows down all the shared websites. This is a common case of the ‘noisy neighbor effect’.

With VPS, every site has a separate set of resources – CPU, RAM, storage, bandwidth. So, you will never be affected by other sites. Plus, your website becomes able to handle more traffic, since more resources are dedicated to you. This results in better performance and faster page speed, thus improving your SERP ranking.

better performance

Easily Scalable

It is awfully important to be able to scale up your hosting resources without experiencing downtime and other technicalities. As the business grows, you will need more resources to handle this growth. VPS complements it very well.

Each VPS environment is allocated a specific set of resources. VPS makes it very easy to upscale or downscale the given resources and your website won’t experience any issues throughout the scaling process.

easily scalable

Much more Secure

As the site grows, it becomes prone to security risks and cyber threats. Since you are a single entity in VPS, it becomes harder for such threats to get access. Plus, with VPS hosting, you get regular updates, firewall, monitoring, and backup facility. It makes your server more secure.

much more secure vps

Extra Reliable

When a single server hosts multiple sites, a single bad user can put the entire server at risk. It will impact the uptime, load speed, and performance of everyone sharing that server.

But with VPS hosting, you have much more reliability as compared to typical hosting. It makes the business stable and ensures high uptime and performance.

reliable vps hosting

Improved Control

Since you have dedicated resources, you will have more control over the server environment. VPS has fewer restrictions and you can even configure your server as per your need.

improved control

Fully Managed Services

An upgrade to VPS does not mean that you have to manage the servers yourself. Most hosting services come with fully managed VPS hosting for your use. They will take care of the server resources like hardware, updates, and upkeep.

fully managed vps service

Cost-efficient with value for money

VPS hosting is actually affordable. While it’s not for everyone, the value for money it provides as per the given resources is pretty cost-efficient.

With VPS, you get a huge jump in server performance without a serious price upgrade.

cost-efficient vps hosting

Answering a Few Common Queries

What is VPS hosting used for?

VPS hosting is generally used to host:

  1. Different kinds of Websites – Content, media, blogging, e-commerce, etc.
  2. Software applications – web: portal, extranet, collaborative solutions, wiki, CRM, etc.
  3. Host personal server – run your own server environment like a small gaming server.
  4. Test web applications – VPS is ideal to test run your custom application setups.
  5. Backup storage – VPS can be used as cloud storage as well. But, you will need to ensure that your provider allows it.

How does VPS Works?

Consider an apartment with multiple rooms dedicated to individual tenants. VPS works in the same way. One high-end physical server (apartment), with virtualization technology, is divided into multiple virtual servers (rooms). And each virtual server is dedicated to a single tenant.

This way, only that tenant can use the resources available in the virtual server. This is how VPS works.

Is VPS good for Web Hosting?

Yes! Absolutely yes! VPS provides you with flexibility, scalability, and performance all at the same time at an affordable price range.

Final Words – VPS is Beneficial

It’s evident from this write-up that VPS complements both flexibility and efficiency at an affordable range. It acts as a bridge giving you the benefits of dedicated resources at the price of a shared server. So, if you want to upscale your website, but cannot afford to spend too much, VPS hosting is the perfect solution for you. Hopefully, now you know what is VPS, why use VPS hosting, and the advantages of VPS hosting.


By Nilesh Kumar

As a Chief Technical Writer, I know the technical issues faced by home and professional users. So, I decided to share all my knowledge via this blog. I love to help you with challenges while dealing with technical jargon.